Teamwork and Synergy

Teamwork and synergy are key element ingredients to high performance. But there are times when it might be better to make use of individual effort rather than teamwork to achieve a goal. For example , if a job requires a substantial degree of specialization, it might be more effective to assign the work to a single person rather than to a group (Moran, Abramson & Moran, 2014).

The concept behind great synergy is usually that the combined attempts of a well-synchronized team generate results better than those produced by any member working together. It’s roughly the same as a symphony in which the harmonious communication of each player provides an impressive masterpiece that exceeds the musical functions of any single music performer.

Creating and retaining positive synergy is not easy, however it can be made easier by establishing some of the features of successful teamwork. These include building trust, fostering friendship and advertising learning from one another, as well as guaranteeing clear conversation among people.

In addition , the best manager should foster synergy by enabling the team carry out its task and provide the best tools and resources. This will save time, energy and conflict which can arise if a manager attempts to do the work itself. For example , a development workforce might be even more productive when allowed to create their own code and use the design, devoid of interference from a manager. This can result in a better product that meets the needs from the user and exceeds desires.